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Ptc Relay Internal Wiring Diagram

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If your icebox Chicago producing stale airwave, there may be something wrong with the PTC (confirming temperature coefficient) relay, also known as the start relay. The PTC relay starts the compressor inside the fridge to form cold air so your food for thought stays cool. Fortuitously, the PTC relay is something you can easily check and supplant yourself if you take to. After you access the electrical relay and compressor along your electric refrigerator, use a multimeter to test the ports to make sure it has a depressed resistance. If the electrical relay still works, you may also call for to check the compressor to make dependable it's still functioning.

  1. 1

    Unplug your electric refrigerator. Pull your refrigerator away from the wall carefully thus you can access the superpowe transmission line. If you can't move the fridge connected your own, ask someone to help you deplumate IT extinct. Once you can get behind your fridge, unplug it from the outlet so it doesn't have any exponent lengthways through it.[1]

    • Your food will stay safe in your fridge for leading to 4 hours and in your freezer for 24-48 hours while it's disconnected from power. Avoid opening the doors to prevent it from heating up faster.[2]
    • If you expect your repairs to take longer than 4 hours, move your food to a different fridge or into an insulated cooler.
    • If your fridge hasn't been temporary and you don't know how all-night it's been, throw away putrefiable foods since they may be at an unsafe temperature.
  2. 2

    Remove the frown back panel from your fridge to access the relay. Look for the small access control board connected the back of your fridge near the bottom. Use a screwdriver to take off the screws holding the panel in place and set them in a arena soh you don't lose them. Fructify the back panel aside while you're working so it's verboten of the way.[3]

    • You suffice non have to hit the stallion back of your fridge.


  3. 3

    Take the plastic cover hit of the relay if it has one. Search the compressor at bottom your fridge, which will be a with child melanise piston chamber on either root of the machine. Turn up the area connected the side of the compressor that has a black impressionable box seat on the side with wires climax down from information technology. Catch the top of the plastic cover and carefully pull it bump off of the compressor to impart the relay inside.[4]

    • Sometimes, you may need to use a screwdriver to pry tabs open along the plastic get across to remove information technology from place.
    • Your fridge may not have a elastic cover over the relay.
  4. 4

    Gulf the wires from the electrical relay. The PTC relay volition look like a small black box attached to the side of your compressor with 2-3 wires running to it. Fascinate the ends of the wires with a pair of needle-intrude pliers and carefully pull them turned the prongs of the relay. Disconnect each wire from place and so you're able to transfer the relay.[5]

    • There may personify a cable that's attached to a lie with on the electrical relay. If soh, loosen the screw with a screwdriver in front pull the conducting wire out of place.

    Tip: Take a picture of the relay before you detach the wires so you remember how to put them back on later.

  5. 5

    Remove the electrical relay by pull it off of the prongs. Grab the relay on the root you good took the wires off of and carefully pull it out from the prongs on the compressor. The relay should well lantern slide off of the prongs and disconnect from the compressor so you can test IT. If you aren't able to pull the relay well, place a screwdriver 'tween information technology and the compressor and push it off of the prongs.[6]

    • Be careful not to pull down the electrical relay so it bends or breaks the prongs on the compressor.


  1. 1

    Look for burnt marks just about the ports on the relay to see if it's shorted. Inspect the relay to picture if IT has any charred markings around the ports where information technology plugged into the compressor. If you construe whatsoever cooked parts on the relay, then IT almost likely shorted and of necessity to be replaced. If the relay is still inviolate, then continue testing IT as modal.[7]

    • You may also comprise able to smell char on the electrical relay if it's burnt or shorted.
  2. 2

    Set awake your multimeter to read resistance. Set your multimeter to read resistivity in ohms (Ω) so you stern easily test the PTC relay. Plug the end of the cherry dig into into the positive (+) terminal and the black dig into into the Gram-negative (-) terminal on the bottom of the multimeter and so you can use them.[8]

    • You can buy a multimeter from a computer hardware store or online.
  3. 3

    Put the probes in the M and S slots along the relay to retard for open resistance. Locate the ports unofficially of your PTC relay that have the letters M and S above them, which are usually the ports that relate to the compressor. Order one of the probes into each slot along the relay at the like time and check the reading material connected your multimeter. It does not matter which probe you put into which port. The reading should read "OL," which stands for "open line," meaning there is an infinite level of electrical resistance between the 2 ports.[9]

    • If the reading doesn't say "OL", it leave most read 0-1 ohms, which just means the relay is upside-down.
  4. 4

    Flip the relay inverted to see if the resistance changes to 0-1 ohms. Hold on the probes inside of the same ports patc you turn the relay over to the opposite side. Check into the multimeter to see if the reading changes from "OL." If the meter has a reading betwixt 0-1 Ω, then the relay is still working. If the reading material doesn't change or it's above 1 Ω, then IT Crataegus laevigata be time to produce a replacement.[10]

    • The PTC relay has a small bimetal piece inside that moves when at that place's an electrical contemporary running finished it. When the metal piece comes into adjoin with the ports, it closes the line and creates 0 Ω of resistance.
    • If the relay has correct readings, then you should check over the compressor next to see if it's causing the problem.

    Tip: Role a toothbrush to clean any dust from around the ports if the reading didn't change, so take another reading. It's possible that the PTC electrical relay got dirty and it's affecting the immunity measure.

  5. 5

    Order a replacement electrical relay if the resistance doesn't read OL or 0-1 ohms. If your reading was over 1 Ω, then the electrical relay may not be working right and you'll have to replace it. Look for the model act listed unofficially of the relay and buy an exact equate for your refrigerator. Once you get the new relay, plug information technology into the prongs connected the compressor. Reattach the wires onto the matching ports of the relay so it can trip your compressor over again. Plug the refrigerator back in to establish fated the new relay whole kit and caboodle in front screwing connected the backward panel.[11]

    • You can grease one's palms replacement PTC relays from contraption strong suit stores Beaver State online. They ordinarily cost anywhere between $20-80 USD.
    • If you can't find the poser number connected the PTC electrical relay, then look for the refrigerator model you have so you can buy a piece that fits inside.
    • Try testing the compressor earlier getting a new PTC relay to make trusty it's non the cause of the problem.


  1. 1

    Put the probes of a multimeter connected the left and right prongs of the compressor. Locate the 3 prongs that the PTC electrical relay plugs into on the side of your compressor. Put one probe along the prong that's furthest to the left and the former probe happening the prong happening the proper to engage a resistance reading. Write down the measurement so you wear't forget it.[12]

    • The prongs will be shaped like a triangle that's right-side heavenward or upper side-down pat. Utilization the prongs that are horizontally across from one another for the freshman measurement.
    • The resistance betwixt the 2 prongs leave vary depending on the fridge model and compressor.
  2. 2

    Measure the resistance between the leftmost and the third base prong. Continue keeping one of the probes against the leftmost prong on the compressor. Proceed the else probe to the third pin, which will either get on the top or rear end depending on how the prongs are laid forbidden. Pen down the resistivity measurement you take between the 2 prongs.[13]

    • If the prongs are configured in an upside-down triangle, then the third prong will get on the nether. If they form a right-side up Triangulum, then the third prong will be on the spinning top.
    • Hold the probes on the prongs for at least 5-10 seconds operating theatre until the immunity settles on a single recitation.
  3. 3

    Find the measurement from the rightmost and third gear prongs. Keep the examine happening the third prong and go by the other probe so it's along the rightmost one. Keep the probes on the multimeter for at least 5 seconds so you can get an veracious reading. Check the multimeter to find the impedance measurement and write it down thusly you don't leave it.[14]

  4. 4

    Tote up the lowest 2 readings to see if they're within 0.5 Ω of the largest reading. Call for the smallest 2 resistance readings from the compressor and add them together to find the total. Compare the sum of the 2 readings to the highest resistance measurement you took to see how close they are. If the sum of the 2 readings is within 0.5 Ω of the highest reading you took, then the compressor is approve. If the readings are high or lower than the threshold, past you involve to call someone to repair OR supercede the compressor for you.[15]

    • Compressors can be expensive to fix, so you may privation to buy a unweathered refrigerator instead.
    • If the compressor still works, then there may personify a problem with the internal fan. Contact a indemnify person to issue a face at your electric refrigerator to further name the problem.


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  • Wonder

    My new PTC relay is not non pouring the compressor. What could be wrong?

    Community Answer

    Check furnish voltage. If furnish emf is in between 160- 170 Volts, then there should follow the problem of low potential. Please connect starting capacitor of 5mfd, 400volt parallel to ptc relay.

  • Call into question

    How do I start a refrigerator without a relay?

    Community Answer

    You cannot. The relay is thither to rent the compressor windings start on one winding and then almost forthwith switch to the second winding. Most high lading or heavy load applications have this starting then run mode.

  • Question

    If relay goes faulty, will the compressor will be close or not?

    Community Answer

    It force out glucinium. If the windings Don't burn up, in that location will be current causing heat to Be in the wiring. Since on that point is a lot of wire in windings, the compressor can atomic number 4 extremely hot. The current will cost present until something finally burns up and Michigan conducting, or your power source breaker/immix trips.

  • Question

    Why do I keep acquiring defective PTC relay connected my icebox? I have had to change it several times in the past two years.

    Community Answer

    Either you deliver a bad connexion somewhere in your wiring, including your ballyhoo for the refrigerator, or your compressor is internally dragging, causing a high amp load. In my feel for, having a "newer" refrigerator does not necessarily stand for your are exempt to this. The fixes are new compressor OR new electric refrigerator.

  • Dubiousness

    Can a compressor work without gas?

    Community Answer

    No more, the compressor contains all the gasses that name the air con function.

  • Question

    On the PTC relay, whol of the pairs at any combination read 10 ohms. Is this correct?

    Community Answer

    It seems you are reading the PTC or thermal resistor, not the contacts. Same should read zero ohms, which is a dead short. Because you aren't getting a at peace short on any test, you either have a bad electrical relay surgery you aren't testing the right way. The thermistor is electrically 'tween the contacts of the relay, in parallel with the relay contacts.

  • Question

    How do you know if your refrigerator relay is bad?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Community Answer

    There's a pretty simple shake test you can try to see if your electrical relay is unfavourable. Unplug your fridge so there isn't any power running through and through it. Purpose a screwdriver to take soured the screws property the lower back panel on the binding of your fridge in situ and take the panel. There Crataegus oxycantha beryllium a plastic cover you need to remove to let out the relay. Get out out the 2-3 wires in the relay with a pair of needle nose pliers, then remove the relay. Look for burnt marks or so the ports on the relay to see if it's shorted. To represent extra sure, function a multimeter to check the M and S slots on the electrical relay for open resistance.

  • Question

    What is PTC relay in a refrigerator?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Residential district Answer

    A positive temperature coefficeint electrical relay, also known as a PTC or a set off relay, starts the compressor inside of your electric refrigerator. The compressor is what creates the cold air that keeps your icebox cold. And so, if your electric refrigerator stops fashioning cold air, there could comprise a trouble with the PTC relay. The first place you should train when your electric refrigerator isn't cold anymore (later on qualification sure the power is turned on) is the PTC relay, which is easy to replace if there's a problem. If on that point International Relations and Security Network't anything wrong with the relay, in that respect could be problem with your compressor, which is a a great deal more costly and complicated fix.

  • Question

    How do you fix a icebox relay?

    Drew Hawkins1

    John Drew Hawkins1

    Community Answer

    If your fridge's compressor works close-grained, but the relay is damaged, the easiest way to fix it is to simply replace it. Start by unplugging your electric refrigerator and pulling IT away from the palisade so you can access the binding. Use a screwdriver to remove the small access panel on the back and flavour for the compressor inside your electric refrigerator, which will equal a large black cylinder on either side of the car. Facial expression for a small plastic box on the side of the compressor with 2-3 wires sticking out of IT. Use a pair of needlenose pliers to remove the wires, then commit the relay off of the compressor. Plug a new relay into place and reconnect the wires in the identical order. Then, replace the panel, plug in your fridge, and test it out.

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  • Don't test your refrigerator patc it's still plugged in since you could shock or fry yourself.


Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Multimeter

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Article Summary X

To test the PTC electrical relay in your icebox, unplug the fridge and take off the lower back panel so you can access the relay, which leave await like a small evil box with 2 or 3 wires running into it. Carefully disconnection the wires with a pair of pair of pliers, and and then remove the relay by pulling it off of the prongs on the compressor. Then, use a multimeter to check the relay for open resistance. If the Reading on the meter is higher up 1 ohm or remains unchanged, IT may be time for a refilling. To find extinct how to replace your PTC relay, keep reading!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Test-a-Refrigerator-PTC-Relay

Posted by: herschelkoellner.blogspot.com